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Optimising your health & well-being with personalised aromatherapy, yoga and well-being workshops 

Aromatherapy Party

Invite your friends to your home for a unique aromatherapy  party, fun interactive, hands-on workshop where you will learn the power of aromatherapy and  you will get to make a aromatherapy mist spray   to take  home with you or make as a gift for a friend. 

Aromatherappy 101

Aromatherapy, is very powerful tool which helps shift, change, alter or manage emotions.  Certain essential oils can help us overcome physical and emotional challenges.  It is a wonderful tool to help combat anxiety, depression, sudden mood swings, insomnia, balance hormones, support the nervous system, reduce stress and much more.  In this fun hands on workshop you will learn : The basic understanding of aromatherapy, the history of aromatherapy, quality and safety importance, the personality of 9 different essential oils,  essential oil’s for common health concerns  and you will also get to make a aromatherapy mist spray to take home with you. 


Aromatherapy For Children (90mins)


An informative workshop explaining which essentials oils are safe  for children , how to use these essential oils and safety tips.   

Understanding The Chakra System 
(120 mins)

A fun interactive, hands-on workshop, to help bring out your inner child as you learn how to create your own chakra mandala, an effective tool for meditation.  In this fun hands on workshop you will learn : The basic understanding of the chakra system,  the  importance of the chakra’s in the 21st century and you will also get to make your know chakra mandala’s to take  home with you, a beautiful way to be kind to yourself and nurture your spirit.

Optimizing Your Fertility With Aromatherapy & Yoga 
(120 mins)

This workshop is uniquely planned to prepare the mind, body and spirit for conception, helping to create an environment optimal in welcoming new life.  It is designed for women seeking to enhance their own fertility either naturally or through assisted reproductive technologies.  In this workshop, you will learn the combination of carefully designed asanas, pranayama and visualisation along with the powerful use of aromatherapy as a tool that can help to alter, shift, influence, change mood and enhance emotions. 


How To Create A Non-Toxic Home
(90 mins)

A fun interactive, hands-on workshop, learn how to detoxify your home by creating your very own natural and effective cleaner.  You will also get to make a natural all-purpose cleaner to take home with you, plus recipes, ideas and solutions to detoxify your home.  The average household uses over 60 different chemical products.  This toxic mix that we bring into our homes can effect our health, our families and our planet.  In this workshop we shall be looking at the ingredients found in household cleaners and how you can create your owning cleaning products at home.



Infant Massage Classes
(4 classes @ 60mins)

Touch is permissible and can be very emotional.  It requires respect, trust and sensitivity.  All living creatures require touch in order to thrive.  Infant massage is an age-old tradition that has been passed down from mother to daughter since the beginning of time.   It offers many benefits to both mother and baby. 

In this exploratory 4 week workshop, you and your baby will be guided through hands-on massage techniques. You will learn to massage your infant  and communicate with him/her through your touch.  Massage can be a special time for both mother and baby. 

(12 hrs)

Hypnobirthing (The courses consist of five classes, totalling 12 hours. )   


HypnoBirthing® classes  are an alternative to traditional childbirth classes for those parents who would like to explore the use of hypnosis in pregnancy and childbirth.  This is a unique method of relaxed, natural childbirth education enhanced by hypnosis techniques that allows women to use their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier and more comfortable birth in a way that most mirrors nature.  The Mongan Method is as much a philosophy as it is a technique. The concept is not new, but rather a "rebirth" of the philosophy of birthing as it existed thousands of years ago and as it was recaptured in the work of Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, an English obstetrician, who first forwarded the concept of natural birthing in the 1920s.    

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